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Tuesday 27 December 2016

How To Make Blogger Gadget To Display On Blogger Mobile View

lots of bloggers have been wondering how come some of my blogger gadgets are appearing on my blogger mobile view. this is not difficult to do.as a matter of fact, you too can make any template to appear on your blogger mobile template view without stress.the process has to do with adding the mobile tag into your template.this tag enables your gadgets to appear on your blogspot mobile view even when its on your desktop. by default, blogger does not have the option to add gadget to

mobile view of your template.when ever you go to the layout option to add a gadget, by default it will only appear on your desktop view without displaying on mobile view. you may also noticed that it is only the profile gadget that often display on your mobile template while the rest are hidden. to make this works for other template, you will need to add the mobile tag mobile='yes' to display gadget on blogger mobile version.today i will share with you on How To Add Gadget On Blogger Mobile View.

For this to work, your blog template should either be default blogger template or has an element of the default blogger template mobile tags.if you have any other custom template you downloaded online, it may not work. you will have to do some tweaking to add the mobile tags before it will work.your template must also be set as custom mobile view instead of selecting a mobile template from the template settings.this means that when you go to your template setting and you are asked to select a mobile template, you should select custom from the options you see there.just follow the steps below

How To Make Blogger Gadget To Appear On Blogger Mobile View

==> Login to your blogger dashboard and scroll down to Template=Edit HTML

==> from the editor box, scroll up, you will see an option called Jump to Widget.click on it, you will see the list of gadgets you have added to your blog, just click any of the gadgets from the list. it will take you to the Widget codes, in between the codes, you should add the mobile tag to make it appear. for example, here is how the gadget code may look like

<b:widget id='HTML9' locked='false' mobile='yes' title='Services' type='HTML'>

in between the code, add the mobile tags.you can see the mobile tag marked in red

if you want the gadget to appear on both mobile and desktop view, then add


if you want it to appear on mobile view only, then add


if you want it to appear only on desktop, then add


with this, your gadgets will appear on your blogger mobile view template.

for those who can't find the gadget they wish to display on their mobile view from the template editor when using the jump to widgets, especially gadgets like HTML/java Script, you may often see stuffs like html 1, html 2, etc and you won't be able to identify which one you want to display on your mobile template.

to make it easy for you to identify, one of the trick i mostly used all the time is to name the widget when adding it from the layout. most gadget have the title box, just name it mobile1 or anything you can use to identify the gadget from your template when searching for it. this way, when you want to find it from your template editor, instead of using the jump to Widget option, you will just have to use Control F to find the name you gave it, and insert the mobile tag in between the gadget code.

just insert your mouse or cursor in the template editor and Use Control F to find the name.this way it makes it easy for you to locate. after adding the mobile tag in between the codes, you can then go back to your layout and change the title of the gadget to what you want since you have inserted the mobile tag to it. this is because you don't want the dummy name to appear on your blog as the title of the gadget.you can give it a better name that suite its purpose.if you are using it for adsense, you can decide to leave the title blank after adding the mobile tag to it.


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